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Our show to raise money for a Community in Nepal.

On the southside of Kathmandu, jammed against the highest mountains on earth, fallen to the bottom of a crippled economy and surviving the wars between the King and the Maoists, there is a community of the poor that have defied the status quo.  In a culture where the sacred cows are... sacred cows, and the beggars and orphans are worth much less, several hundred people have vowed to treat the lost orphans, widows and crippled with respect instead of contempt.


Basic respect has grown into friendship  - mitra, in Nepaliand wanderring into their gatherrings one sees the women candle-dancing across the lines of caste, former slaves now as leaders, and people in wheelchairs supplied by sharing their goods instead of the humiliation of begging.

The mitra they have between them has been extended to the Canada, and right from the start of this remarkable community people from  Winnipeg, Manitoba have had a part.  We celebrate this friendship continually by an exchange of people and goods and gifts that flow both ways.  The Rascals' contribution to the ongoing development of community will help take orphans off of the streets of Kathmandu and provide them with schooling - a luxury that they could never otherwise afford, and a place to stay with good people that are raising them like their own sons and daughters.